I am utilizing a small sqlite database to keep track of some jobs that run on a linux box. Most of them have small (less than 50 lines) log files... I'd like to store those log files as a record in my database....

How can I get a text log file into my sqlite database? I want it stored as text in the record, not as a file.

1 Answer 1


For me your last line contradicts the subject (blob vs text), so probably I mistook your idea. But what about making your log file an INSERT statement on the fly? Then feed that into your desired sqlite database. I mean something like this:

$ cat test.sql
SELECT 'something

$ sqlite3 test < test.sql

$ sqlite3 test
SQLite version 3.6.22
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> SELECT * FROM test;

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