I need a query that returns something in this format:
pk id v1 v2 v3 v4 v5
pk1 id1 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
pk6 id2 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5
My current data looks like this
CREATE TABLE foo(pk,id,value)
( 'pk1' , 'id1', 'A1' ),
( 'pk2' , 'id1', 'A2' ),
( 'pk3' , 'id1', 'A3' ),
( 'pk4' , 'id1', 'A4' ),
( 'pk5' , 'id1', 'A5' ),
( 'pk6' , 'id2', 'B1' ),
( 'pk7' , 'id2', 'B2' ),
( 'pk8' , 'id2', 'B3' ),
( 'pk9' , 'id2', 'B4' ),
( 'pk10', 'id2', 'B5' )
The source table has ~160,000,000 rows. All columns are indexed (btree).
Currently I'm doing 5 (the real number is dynamic and maybe around 30, but for example above it's 5) different queries to extract:
P1 id1 A1
P6 id2 B1
P2 id1 A2
P7 id2 B2
P3 id1 A3
P8 id2 B4
and then join these queries. Something like this:
SELECT q1.pk,q1.id,q1.v1,q2.v2,q3.v3,q4.v4,q5.v5 FROM (SELECT pk, id, value FROM table WHERE id=1) AS q1, (SELECT pk, id, value FROM table WHERE id=2) AS q2, (SELECT pk, id, value FROM table WHERE id=3) AS q3, (SELECT pk, id, value FROM table WHERE id=4) AS q4, (SELECT pk, id, value FROM table WHERE id=5) AS q5 WHERE q1.id=q2.id and q2.id=q3.id and q3.id=q4.id and q4.id=q5.id;
But as I mentioned above number of joins are much more (~30) and it runs really slow on Postgres. I examined the planning and disabled nestloop
and it got much faster but it's still too slow. If I fetch all these queries to memory and join them programmatically (using python for example) it runs in ~1 second. But Postgres takes too long (~30 seconds for joining 110 rows).
Any ideas? I think there must be a better way than making 30 subqueries and joining them. Another approach would be grouping rows based on id
column and do some magic (for example with RowNumber()
) to generate the desired table.
P.S. It's not applicable to pre-generate the result table. Everything must happen runtime.
in your example?