I have a table (PostgreSQL 9.6) containing 2.6 million+ timestamped rows associated with account identifiers, and for any given identifier, I want to count the total number of occurrences as well as just the number of occurrences today in a single query.
For reference, this is the same table described in this question, but I have simplified it here to focus on this specific issue:
CREATE TABLE account_test
account integer NOT NULL REFERENCES account_test(id),
event_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
CREATE INDEX account_test_idx ON log_test USING btree (account,event_time);
INSERT INTO account_test VALUES (1);
INSERT INTO account_test VALUES (2);
INSERT INTO log_test VALUES (1,'2018-01-01');
INSERT INTO log_test VALUES (1,'2018-01-02');
INSERT INTO log_test VALUES (1,'2018-01-03');
INSERT INTO log_test VALUES (1,now());
INSERT INTO log_test VALUES (1,now());
INSERT INTO log_test VALUES (2,'2018-01-01');
INSERT INTO log_test VALUES (2,'2018-01-02');
INSERT INTO log_test VALUES (2,now());
This is my initial attempt, which is producing the same number for both the daily and total counts due to the GROUP BY
SELECT a.id,COUNT(d) AS daily,COUNT(t) AS total FROM account_test a
JOIN log_test d ON a.id=d.account AND d.event_time > now() - interval '1 day'
JOIN log_test t ON a.id=t.account
WHERE a.id=1 GROUP BY a.id;
id | daily | total
1 | 10 | 10
(1 row)
The results I am looking for are:
id | daily | total
1 | 2 | 5
(1 row)
Specifically, the result of this ugly query:
SELECT qd.id,qd.daily,qt.total FROM
SELECT a.id,COUNT(d) AS daily FROM account_test a
JOIN log_test d ON a.id=d.account AND d.event_time > now() - interval '1 day'
WHERE a.id=1 GROUP BY a.id
) qd,
SELECT a.id,COUNT(t) AS total FROM account_test a
JOIN log_test t ON a.id=t.account
WHERE a.id=1 GROUP BY a.id
) qt;
I realize this may be a softball question, but in this case my SQL instincts are failing me, and I suspect there might be some clever trick that would eliminate the extra JOIN