I have a master - slave configuration with 9.4 version, but there is no WAL streaming replication configured. Customer simply copy xlog files on network share and replica applies it.
I need to run pg_dump from replica although I face with error. What do I do:
- SELECT pg_xlog_replay_pause()
- Run pg_dump on replica server
- SELECT pg_xlog_replay_resume()
Immediately I receive after pg_xlog_replay_pause()
ERROR: recovery is not in progress
And when the command of pg_dump starts I see:
pg_dump: [archiver (db)] query failed: ERROR: cannot assign TransactionIds during recovery
pg_dump: [archiver (db)] query was: SELECT pg_export_snapshot()
Does it mean I can't do pg_dump from replica? I have a feeling that in case of wal streaming replication it would be possible. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I can't find any information for SELECT pg_xlog_replay_pause() / SELECT pg_xlog_replay_resume() works only with wal streaming setup. Can someone tell if this true?
Thanks in advance.
Customer's setup is: They copy xlog to network share and replica recovery.conf consist of
standby_mode = 'on'
restore_command = 'if exist A:\\Logs\\From_Master_DB\\%f (copy A:\\Logs\\From_master_DB\\%f %p) else (exit /b 1)'
archive_cleanup_command = '"C:\\Program Files\\PostgreSQL\\9.4\\bin\\pg_archivecleanup" A:\\Logs\\From_Master_DB %r && "C:\\Program Files\\PostgreSQL\\9.4\\bin\\pg_archivecleanup" D:\\PG-SQL\\data\\pg_xlog %r'
recovery_target_timeline = 'latest'
on a replica. I am not sure how it looks like without. Also, the pair of functions can be used in both modes, as postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/functions-admin.html suggests. But in the first place: why are you pausing replication?pg_dump
is guaranteed to produce a consistent backup: postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/app-pgdump.html