I am querying in DB for last 72 records in Db in my Db it may happens all data will not be present for that I want to add dummy row in which I will add rank and adding null value to remaining data.
select (@rownum := @rownum + 1) AS rank,
date, day(date), hour(date),Sum(Ifnull(impressions, 0)) AS
ROUND(Sum(Ifnull(clicks, 0)) * 100.0 / Sum(Ifnull(impressions, 0)),10)
AS CTR_percentage,
ROUND(Sum(Ifnull(dv_viewed, 0)) * 100.0 / Sum(Ifnull(dv_measured,
0)),1) AS Viewability_percentage,
ROUND(Sum(Ifnull(dv_measured, 0)) * 100.0 / Sum(Ifnull(dv_impression,
0)),1) AS Measurability_percentage
FROM (SELECT @rownum := 0) t,rhino.delivery_snapshot_summary where
adgroup_id IN(SELECT id FROM ad_group where campaign_id = 2467 AND
bundle = 0)
and date <='2018-11-26 23:59:59' and date >'2018-11-22 23:59:59' group
by day(date), hour(date) order by date DESC limit 72;
and I'm getting following response :
I want total 72 rows with all null data in response.
Database : Mysql
using MySQL workbench 6.3.6
mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.23, for Linux (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper