I have a MySql table like:
Item Date Likes
Book 2012-05-20 402
Book 2012-05-21 432
Book 2012-05-22 450
Pen 2012-05-20 20
Pen 2012-05-21 20
Pen 2012-05-22 25
1) What is the simplest query for calculating and returning the difference in Likes
column between 2 set dates for all of the Item
values, ordered by the Difference?
For example:
difference between 2012-05-20 and 2012-05-21 returns next results:
Item Difference
Book 30
Pen 0
difference between 2012-05-20 and 2012-05-22 returns next results:
Item Difference
Book 48
Pen 5
2) Also there will be some cases when there will be no records for some of the dates for an Item
in the table, in those cases no results for that Item
should be returned.
3) What should be the correct indices to optimize the speed of the query?
I did come across this query that might work but it is a huge query and I am sure that there can be a more compact and elegant solution :)