Basic question:

what I'm reading describes how to create linux users in parallel with postgresql roles.

However, I don't see the value in creating any of these users in linux - I just want to create a postgresql role - and login to that from my application - or when running psql from the terminal using my own login - but in the role of the project.

e.g. - if the project is 'foo' - I want to have the psql -U foo, but no 'foo' user under linux. After all - what's the point? It's a role purely for psql - not for linux.

Is this possible in Postgresql - and if so - how do I do this?

I've trivially created a postgresql user role - without a linux account - but then I cannot ever -U role, as I get an error around peer authentication.

So - I assume I need to change how postgresql is handling permissions - and that's where I'm too green with postgresql to know what I'm doing there.

Perhaps a pointer to a clear little document discussing authentication modes or connection modes and setup for postgresql would help me resolve my issues?

  • "a clear little document discussing authentication modes" - postgresql.org/docs/current/client-authentication.html
    – user1822
    Commented Aug 6, 2019 at 15:03
  • 1
    "what I'm reading describes how to create linux users in parallel with postgresql roles." What are you reading? Please don't make us guess.
    – jjanes
    Commented Aug 6, 2019 at 15:41

2 Answers 2


Either don't use peer authentication, or do use it but with a user mapping (specified in pg_ident.conf) which declares which db users each OS user is allowed to connect as.


You need to update your pg_hba.conf to allow for a non-peer authentication method.

It’s perfectly normal to create roles which don’t have OS accounts.

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