I have the following table:

id Serial PK
action Integer
model_id integer
active BOOL

But due to my logic there cannot be duplicate values having the same values for model,model_id,action when active is true.

Therefore, I place a unique constraint:

ALTER TABLE mytable ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name UNIQUE (model,model_id,action,active);

But that does not avoid me having the unique constraint only when active=true. Also, my table is pre-populated with duplicate values therefore I want to set active=false on dduplicate ones and keep only one record with value=true do you know any good idea on how I can do this beyond just writing an update statement before applying the constraint?

  • 4
    Partial index: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_name ON mytable (model, model_id, action) WHERE (active) Commented Oct 4, 2020 at 22:03
  • The partial index solution is a good one. An alternative that might be useful is a materialized view with a unique constraint.
    – Jim D
    Commented Oct 4, 2020 at 22:36
  • @ypercubeᵀᴹ Do you know how I can list any value where has not been indexed as well? Commented Oct 5, 2020 at 8:46
  • Not sure what you mean? SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE active = FALSE ; ? Commented Oct 5, 2020 at 9:13

1 Answer 1


A partial index like suggested by @ypercube is likely the best solution. If you for some reason would like to keep it at the logical level you can generate a column:

If ACTIVE: concatenate the "partially unique" columns, I used a token separator to distinguish columns, result of 'a' || 'bc' should be different from 'ab' || 'c'

If NOT ACTIVE: use the primary key instead of the "unique" columns

I used xyz as the name of the generated column because I did not know better:-)

create table mytable
( id serial primary key
, action integer not null
, model text not null
, model_id integer not null
, active boolean not null
, xyz text GENERATED ALWAYS AS ( case when active 
                                      then action::text 
                                        || '#' 
                                        || model 
                                        || '#' 
                                        || model_id::text 
                                     else id::text 
                               ) stored
, unique (xyz)                          

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