I have two tables, one which which includes a point column and the other which includes a boundary (table definitions below). I want to select rows from the first column where the point is within the boundary in the latter column. Writing a SELECT
query using what seems like a pretty straight forward join like so ends up being quite slow.
FROM temp_locations
INNER JOIN temp_boundaries
ON st_within(temp_locations.point, temp_boundaries.mpoly)
WHERE = 11;
From a table with just over 120k rows, this takes almost 12s to return fewer than 70k rows (the exact timing isn't important here, but this is running on a new, amply powered developer machine).
The point
gemoetry field is indexed, as is the mpoly
The boundaries are not trivial, they are US state boundaries, but even still this seems... very surprising to me.
I've tried both ST_Within
and ST_Contains
, expecting no difference but curious none the less (no difference!). The existing documentation and posts I've found about this all seem to point to doing exactly what this query does.
Am I missing something obvious here? Is this a function of using multipolygon geometry, and for filtering this should be simplified? Or is the expected and reasonable performance for this kind of query?
Tables and indexes
CREATE TABLE temp_boundaries (
id integer,
uuid uuid,
mpoly geometry(MultiPolygon,4326),
name character varying(255)
CREATE TABLE temp_locations (
id integer,
point geometry(Point,4326),
street_address character varying(255),
street_address_2 character varying(255),
city character varying(255),
state character varying(2),
zip_code character varying(10)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX temp_location_pkey ON temp_locations(id int4_ops);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX temp_boundary_pkey ON temp_boundaries(id int4_ops);
CREATE INDEX temp_location_point_id ON temp_locations USING GIST (point gist_geometry_ops_2d);
CREATE INDEX temp_boundary_mpoly_id ON temp_boundaries USING GIST (mpoly gist_geometry_ops_2d);
Nested Loop (cost=5.49..3530.86 rows=3080 width=4) (actual time=18.877..11298.389 rows=67498 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=6157153
-> Index Scan using temp_boundary_pkey on public.temp_boundaries (cost=0.29..8.30 rows=1 width=51649) (actual time=0.019..0.021 rows=1 loops=1)
Output: temp_boundaries.mpoly
Index Cond: ( = 11)
Buffers: shared hit=3
-> Bitmap Heap Scan on public.temp_locations (cost=5.21..3522.44 rows=12 width=36) (actual time=18.853..11277.169 rows=67498 loops=1)
Output:, temp_locations.point
Filter: st_within(temp_locations.point, temp_boundaries.mpoly)
Rows Removed by Filter: 4884
Heap Blocks: exact=4072
Buffers: shared hit=6157150
-> Bitmap Index Scan on temp_location_point_id (cost=0.00..5.20 rows=123 width=0) (actual time=16.476..16.476 rows=72382 loops=1)
Index Cond: (temp_locations.point @ temp_boundaries.mpoly)
Buffers: shared hit=523
Planning Time: 2.262 ms
Execution Time: 11309.728 ms