I am trying to export schema with below command using expdp in Oracle 18c XE , the schema uses tablespace named "testtablespace"
expdp myschema/*******@//localhost:1521/XEPDB1 schemas=myschema directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR dumpfile=myschema.dmp logfile=myschema.log
the tablespace "testtablespace" has maximum size of 100MB and currently 70MB of it is utilized , upon running above command I get error
ORA-01654: unable to extend index TESTTABLESPACE.SYS_MTABLE_0000357BA_IND_2 by 8 in tablespace testtablespace
When I increase size of tablespace size the issue is fixed , it seems like during export the tablespace of schema is being used for some temporary data storage
Is there a way that I can specify a temporary tablespace to be used instead of my schema tablespace so that even if my schema tablespace is completely full it can still export schema using expdp without any issue?