Im using google cloudsql but this is a more generic postgres question.
I have a role (that is already created and managed by cloudsql) called cloudsqliamserviceaccount.
The cloudsqliamserviceaccount role is not a member of any other roles.
Whenever I create a new postgres user (through GCP console or gcloud) they are added to this role. I CANNOT remove them from the role because it will break the cloudsql IAM integration.
The cloudsqliamserviceaccount role has very sweeping permissions. It can connect to and do CRUD on all DBs. But I'm not sure how to see its full list of permissions.
In short I have this role "cloudsqliamserviceaccount". How do I see what it has access to? I gets CRUD automatically for every new database I create, but its not a member of any other role. Where is this permission coming from and how do I see that?