I have a simple collection posts
with a few documents in it. I have set the profiling level to 2 allowing for profiling information to be collected into another collection system.profile
. My goal is to use a mapReduce operation to collect information from the command
entry grouped via various actors using this simple query:
emit( this.appName, this.command );
function( key, values )
return JSON.stringify(values);
query: {},
out : "command_maps"
However, trying this in the REPL yields the following error
2021-05-10T22:09:33.494+0800 E QUERY [js] Error: map reduce failed:{
"ok" : 0,
"errmsg" : "rename failed: { ok: 0.0, errmsg: \"error with source namespace: cannot write to 'test.tmp.mr.system.profile_22'\", code: 20, codeName: \"IllegalOperation\" }",
"code" : 10076,
"codeName" : "Location10076"
} :
I suspect mongo is trying to temporarily write into the system.profile
collection and fails due to it being readonly in a sense. Is there any way to execute this successfully ?
Unfortunately the documents are too large to add here but basically its sort of like this:
"appName": "actor1",
"command": {"find": {},"ns" : "test.post""}
{ "appName": "actor2",
"command": { "find": {},"ns" : "test.comments"}
"appName": "actor1",
"command": { "insert": {},}
{ appName: "actor1": command_maps: '[{command: "find"}, {command:"query"} ...]' }
{ appName: "actor2": command_maps: '[{command: "find"}...]' }
Version: MongoDB shell version v4.4.5
PS : mapReduce is working properly on regular collections
collection? Use an aggregation pipeline as recommended in documentation.command
subdocument will have. However in this situation its kind of weird that mongo is trying to rewrite into the same collection during the query.