I am setting up log-shipping from server1 to server2.
there are many databases on server1 and I want to automate the process.
I have already done a few databases manually, while I am working on the automating process.
First question is:
How can I easily find out which databases are already set up in the log-shipping and which ones are not?
Currently to get a list of databases not yet on log-shipping I am doing the following:
if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#log_shipping_monitor ') is not null
drop table #log_shipping_monitor
create table #log_shipping_monitor
status bit null
,is_primary bit not null default 0
,server sysname
,database_name sysname
,time_since_last_backup int null
,last_backup_file nvarchar(500) null
,backup_threshold int null
,is_backup_alert_enabled bit null
,time_since_last_copy int null
,last_copied_file nvarchar(500) null
,time_since_last_restore int null
,last_restored_file nvarchar(500) null
,last_restored_latency int null
,restore_threshold int null
,is_restore_alert_enabled bit null
,ts timestamp not null
,primary key (is_primary, server, database_name)
,unique (ts)
insert into #log_shipping_monitor
exec master.dbo.sp_executesql @stmt=N'exec sp_help_log_shipping_monitor'
,@params=N'@verbose bit'
, @Verbose=0
SELECT d.NAME, d.recovery_model_desc
FROM sys.databases d
where d.name not in
select l.database_name
from #log_shipping_monitor l
where l.[server] = @@SERVERNAME
and d.database_id > 5
and d.state_desc = 'ONLINE'
order by d.name
this is working fine and gives me the following result: