I'm using SQLite and I have the following table: enter image description here

and I have 2 goals: The first is to return the IATA code of the airline that has the most bookings in first class. I thought of this, but it doesn't quite work, it just returns all the airlines in no specific order:

select iata_code_airline
from booked_class_airline
group by class
having MAX(airline_class_count) 

The second goal is to provide a column that shows the percentage of the total amount of passengers that travel in each class. I tried:

SELECT class, 
       count(class) as class_count,
       count(class) * 100.0 / (select count(*) from booked_class_airline) as class_percent
FROM booked_class_airline
group by class

But this just counts the classes, not the count of the classes. I could use the airline_class count column, but then I don't know how to divide per class. Any advice?

  • My answer was originally marked as correct, but that has been rescinded. Just wondering what the issue is that led to the correct vote to have been removed?
    – Vérace
    Commented Aug 7, 2021 at 19:58
  • No idea what happened but it was a mistake. Marked it as correct again. Thanks for the heads up.
    – Kate S.D.
    Commented Aug 8, 2021 at 7:11

1 Answer 1


To resolve your issues, I did the following (all the code below is available on the fiddle here):

(Speaking of fiddles, it would be far better if you provided us with one (DDL and DML) along with your question - it eliminates duplication of effort and gives a single source of truth - help us to help you! Also, please avoid using images for the reasons outlined in this link).

  • Q1. The first is to return the IATA code of the airline that has the most bookings in first class.

This is tricker than it might appear at first glance. A naive approach would be to do the following:

  class, iata, MAX(cnt)
FROM flight
WHERE class = 'First'
GROUP BY class, iata


class   iata    MAX(cnt)
First     BA           2

However, what happens when we do the following

('First', 'EI', 2);

and rerun our query?

Same result!!! But this is wrong! Or at least misleading, because we now have two airlines (BA and EI) with two bookings in first class! This demonstrates the perils of testing with a small (or in this case, minimal) amount of data!

Here, what we should do is this:

  class, iata, MAX(cnt) AS c
FROM flight
WHERE class = 'First'
GROUP BY class, iata
HAVING MAX(cnt) = (
             FROM flight 
             WHERE class = 'First' 


class   iata    c
First     BA    2
First     EI    2

Depending on your requirements, this may (and IMHO, probably is) better.

Finally, a third approach you might like to consider is using a window function (v. technical link - this intro is excellent) - maybe a bit of overkill here, but window functions are incredibly powerful for more sophisticated queries and will repay any effort spent learning them 10 times over! The one I'm using in this instance is DENSE_RANK() (from intro link).

FROM flight
WHERE class = 'First'


class   iata    cnt     dr
First     BA      2     1
First     EI      2     1
First     SN      1     2

You can then wrap this is a sub-query (see fiddle) to pull out the first ranking airline(s). You may ask yourself why use this? Suppose your manager comes to you and says, I need the 3rd ranking airlines that have booked first class flights - v. tricky with "traditional" SQL - this makes it a doddle!

  • Q.2 The second goal is to provide a column that shows the percentage of the total amount of passengers that travel in each class.

I've left some earlier steps to arrive here in the fiddle - running this:

 class    AS "Class",
 SUM(cnt) AS "Total",
 ROUND(SUM(cnt) * 1.0/(SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM flight) * 100) AS "Percentage"
FROM flight
GROUP BY class;


Class   Total   Percentage
Business    4           31
Economy     4           31
First       5           38

You may be wondering why have a useless multiplication by 1 in the percentage calculation? This is to avoid problems with integer division - try taking it out - all the percentages drop to 0! I found this snippet here - it's much more elegant - although perhaps a bit more puzzling than an explicit CAST - YMMV. +1 for the question for having provided me with a learning experience!

  • Q2 could be improved with a window function SUM(cnt) * 1.0 / SUM(SUM(cnt)) OVER () Commented Aug 8, 2021 at 0:20
  • Seems you are right that SQLite doesn't like an aggregate inside a window function, but you can subquery it. Postgres fiddle is wrong because you are using PARTITION at the same time as GROUP BY, instead just use non-windowed SUM(cnt) divided by windowed SUM(SUM(CNT)) OVER () see fiddle. Not sure what you mean by perf penalty, I see none Commented Aug 8, 2021 at 1:39
  • If you run EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS, VERBOSE) on SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM flight; and SELECT SUM(SUM(cnt)) OVER (); several times (in that order), the execution time for the latter always takes from 50% to 100% longer. AIUI, window functions (nearly?) always incur a performance penalty wrt [more conventional | earlier] ways of calculating the same thing. I see the point about using PARTITION at the same time as GROUP BY - schoolboy error... sometimes you stare at something you know should work... ah well, it was v. late last night - thanks for the clarification...
    – Vérace
    Commented Aug 8, 2021 at 10:05
  • Apples/Oranges - in this case, the number arrived at is the same! Maybe I'm a bit obtuse, but I thought that you were telling me to use SUM(SUM(cnt)) OVER () instead of SELECT SUM(cnt)... because it was more elegant... why did you suggest that the answer could be "improved" by using it so (really interested to know!)? Re. performance - if you look at row 11 for the 2nd query (last snippet in fiddle execution time), it is that one which I'm focusing on when I say that the time taken is 50-100% longer...
    – Vérace
    Commented Aug 8, 2021 at 17:40
  • Apples and oranges because you weren't comparing your actual query, you were just comparing the single aggregation. Try this fiddle for example dbfiddle.uk/… and you see the execution time for the window aggregate is faster Commented Aug 8, 2021 at 19:09

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