I need to execute a request (Stored Procedure) to MS SQL Server after Windows restart, i.e. as soon as the database is accessible.

How can I do that? Is there a possibility to register a database event that fires after startup or a system event after a service started (here: SQL Server Service)?


2 Answers 2


You can use a Startup Stored Procedure or schedule a SQL Agent with a Schedule type of "Start automatically when SQL Server Agent Starts".


There is a system stored procedure named sp_procoption that does exactly that. See


Syntax is fairly straight forward. If you have a procedure named 'my_stored_proc', the syntax is:

EXEC sp_procoption @ProcName = N'my_stored_proc'   
, @OptionName = 'startup'   
, @OptionValue = 'on';   

The only value for @OptionName is 'startup', and the only possible values for @OptionValue are 'on' and 'off.'

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