I have a master-standby postgres cluster; For availability issue, I want to add a new standy server.
So I created a new server, did base installation as installing postgres, creating postgres data filesystem, then initiated a pgbasebackup to the new standby (tried it many times, many from the master and many from the first standby, all failing).
pg_basebackup -D - -h localhost -U replicator -Ft --compress=0 --progress | pigz -p $THREADS | ssh -A postgres@$TARGETDB "pigz -dc - | tar xvf - --directory=/var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/"
When it finished, and I start the postgres, it fails with missing WALs and deviated timeline, though I am pretty sure these requested WALs and history file and not even there on neither the primary not the secondary.
2022-01-24 11:32:00 GMT [17951]: [1-1] user=,db=,app=,client= LOG: database system was interrupted while in recovery at log time 2022-01-24 11:10:02 GMT
2022-01-24 11:32:00 GMT [17951]: [2-1] user=,db=,app=,client= HINT: If this has occurred more than once some data might be corrupted and you might need to choose an earlier recovery target.
2022-01-24 11:32:01 GMT [17951]: [3-1] user=,db=,app=,client= LOG: restored log file "00000007.history" from archive
ERROR: WAL file '00000008.history' not found in server '****' (SSH host:
2022-01-24 11:32:01 GMT [17951]: [4-1] user=,db=,app=,client= LOG: entering standby mode
2022-01-24 11:32:02 GMT [17951]: [5-1] user=,db=,app=,client= LOG: restored log file "00000007.history" from archive
ERROR: WAL file '0000000700001C55000000F4' not found in server '****' (SSH host:
2022-01-24 11:32:03 GMT [17951]: [6-1] user=,db=,app=,client= LOG: restored log file "0000000600001C55000000F4" from archive
ERROR: WAL file '0000000700001C55000000F3' not found in server '****' (SSH host:
2022-01-24 11:32:04 GMT [18134]: [1-1] user=postgres,db=postgres,app=[unknown],client=[local] FATAL: the database system is starting up
2022-01-24 11:32:04 GMT [18145]: [1-1] user=postgres,db=postgres,app=[unknown],client=[local] FATAL: the database system is starting up
2022-01-24 11:32:04 GMT [17951]: [7-1] user=,db=,app=,client= LOG: restored log file "0000000600001C55000000F3" from archive
2022-01-24 11:32:04 GMT [17951]: [8-1] user=,db=,app=,client= FATAL: requested timeline 7 is not a child of this server's history
2022-01-24 11:32:04 GMT [17951]: [9-1] user=,db=,app=,client= DETAIL: Latest checkpoint is at 1C56/47CACF28 on timeline 6, but in the history of the requested timeline, the server forked off from that timeline at 1C3F/B7B96B90.
2022-01-24 11:32:04 GMT [17948]: [3-1] user=,db=,app=,client= LOG: startup process (PID 17951) exited with exit code 1
2022-01-24 11:32:04 GMT [17948]: [4-1] user=,db=,app=,client= LOG: aborting startup due to startup process failure
2022-01-24 11:32:04 GMT [17948]: [5-1] user=,db=,app=,client= LOG: database system is shut down
Also, we have a WAL archive system to a barman server, so missing WALs during backup is not also a suspicion.
Recovery.conf file
standby_mode = 'on'
primary_conninfo = 'user=replicator password=C0D5wallop host=$PRIMARYSERVER port=5432 sslmode=prefer sslcompression=1'
trigger_file = '/var/lib/pgsql/9.6/boo'
restore_command = 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no barman@$BARMANSERVER barman get-wal db-44 %f > %p'
Remain open for more info. Appreciate your help.
at some point.