I use repmgr to provide failover to my PostgreSQL cluster. If I change a server-specific parameter in the repmgr.conf file for one of my standbys, how do I get repmgr to recognize the changed value? For example, if I wanted to change the priority of one of the nodes.
I tried stopping & retarting repmgrd on the affected server. Then I tried unregistering the server from the cluster & re-registering the node. I tried registering the node with the force option. I tried stopping repmgrd for all my servers & then stopping & restarting PostgreSQL on the Primary & then restarting the repmgrd for all the servers. Nothing works - the cluster show command still shows the old value.
I've searched on the internet, but I can't find any information on how to reload the repmgr configuration.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Karin