Below , I'm trying to use the data of the array
I've declared,
in the where clause
of the query but I receive the following error :
v_input varchar2(400) := '0,1,2,3,4';
type t_dep2custrel_type is table of number;
t_dep2cust_rel t_dep2custrel_type;
select regexp_substr(v_input, '[^,]+', 1, level) zz
bulk collect
into t_dep2cust_rel
from dual
connect by regexp_substr(v_input, '[^,]+', 1, level) is not null;
insert into bb_tmp_natonalcode_accnumber
select b.customer_num
from [sample_table] b
where b.dpst2cust_rel_cod in (select * from table(t_dep2cust_rel)); /* here I'm trying to use the array*/
- "Local collection types not allowed in sql statement "
- "can not access rows from a non-nested table item" (ORA-22905)
I was wondering if you could help me with this.
Thanks in advance