Finding the duplicate values in the 'Item_Sales_Detail' table as NULL rows in the 'Sales' and 'Item' tables by joining three tables.

'Sales' table (ID is primary key)

ID Invoice Date TotalAmount
10 00000000100001 02/02/2023 2000
20 00000000100002 02/02/2023 1500
30 00000000100003 02/02/2023 18000

'Items' table (Sales_ID foreign key)

ID Sales_ID Item_Code Amount Quantity Total_Amount
1 10 22 2000 1 2000
2 20 35 1500 1 1500
3 30 44 5000 2 10000
4 30 14 8000 1 8000

'Item_Sales_Detail' table (Sales_ID , Item_ID , Invoice are foreign keys)

ID Sales_ID Item_ID invoice date Amount
1 10 1 00000000100001 02/02/2023 2000
2 10 1 00000000100001 02/02/2023 2000
3 20 2 00000000100002 02/02/2023 1500
4 30 3 00000000100003 02/02/2023 5000
5 30 3 00000000100003 02/02/2023 5000
6 30 3 00000000100003 02/02/2023 5000
7 30 4 00000000100003 02/02/2023 8000

In table "Item_Sales_Detail," invoice number 00000000100001 has 1 extra record as a duplicate, and invoice number 00000000100003 with Item_ID 3 has quantity 2 and an extra record entered; the total is now 3 records instead of 2.

My query :

SELECT Sales.Invoice,
FROM Sales
INNER JOIN Items ON Sales.ID=Items.Sales_ID
INNER JOIN Item_Sales_Detail Items.ID= Item_Sales_Detai.Item_ID


Sales.Invoice Items.Item_Code Item_Sales_Detail.invoice Item_Sales_Detail.date Item_Sales_Detail.Amount
00000000100001 22 00000000100001 02/02/2023 2000
00000000100001 22 00000000100001 02/02/2023 2000
00000000100002 35 00000000100002 02/02/2023 1500
00000000100003 44 00000000100003 02/02/2023 5000
00000000100003 44 00000000100003 02/02/2023 5000
00000000100003 44 00000000100003 02/02/2023 5000
00000000100003 14 00000000100003 02/02/2023 8000

Expected :

Sales.Invoice Items.Item_Code Item_Sales_Detail.invoice Item_Sales_Detail.date Item_Sales_Detail.Amount
00000000100001 22 00000000100001 02/02/2023 2000
NULL NULL 00000000100001 02/02/2023 2000
00000000100002 35 00000000100002 02/02/2023 1500
00000000100003 44 00000000100003 02/02/2023 5000
00000000100003 44 00000000100003 02/02/2023 5000
NULL NULL 00000000100003 02/02/2023 5000
00000000100003 14 00000000100003 02/02/2023 8000
  • 1
    Please, provide the sample data as CREATE and INSERT statements. See Help me write this query in SQL.
    – Ronaldo
    Commented Feb 16, 2023 at 21:33
  • 1
    I find duplicates by using GROUP BY and HAVING COUNT(*) > 1;
    – RonJohn
    Commented Feb 16, 2023 at 21:40

1 Answer 1


Enumerate each instance of an item and match it against Items.Quantity. Replace Sales.Invoice and Items.Item_Code with nulls where the number exceeds the quantity:

  Invoice   = IIF(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY isd.Item_ID ORDER BY isd.ID ASC) > i.Quantity, NULL, s.Invoice),
  Item_Code = IIF(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY isd.Item_ID ORDER BY isd.ID ASC) > i.Quantity, NULL, i.Item_Code),
  dbo.Sales AS s
  INNER JOIN dbo.Items AS i ON s.ID = i.Sales_ID
  INNER JOIN dbo.Item_Sales_Detail AS isd ON i.ID = isd.Item_ID
  • seems working fine but for item_code 14 with invoice 00000000100003 is shwoing null and it shouldn't be null Commented Feb 17, 2023 at 15:54
  • @MohammadBastan: For the item_code 14 in your example, no, it shouldn't, and I don't believe it does return a null there. The implementation is according to the requirements. On the other hand, I do admit that I didn't test my query. If you could provide a test setup for me, I'd be able to tune the query for you.
    – Andriy M
    Commented Feb 17, 2023 at 17:56
  • here it is dbfiddle.uk/udPtiNRQ Commented Feb 18, 2023 at 21:28
  • @MohammadBastan: Thank you. The dbfiddle setup for which you've posted the link has a small but crucial difference from the setup in your question. That difference is the reason why you are not getting the expected result. In the question, the row ID=7 in Item_Sales_Detail has the Item_ID of 4. But in your dbfiddle setup, table Item_Sales_Detail has no row with Item_ID=4. The row 7 has Item_ID=3, which is correctly returned with nulls. Here's the fixed setup, and the output is as expected. So the code works correctly, the error was in the data.
    – Andriy M
    Commented Feb 19, 2023 at 19:00

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