I have a simple Table. It contains an ID, a Temperature and a Date. Every 10 Seconds a Sensor writes a Row with the measured Temperature-Value.
What I need is the Data, where the temperature changed. For Example:
ID, Temp, Date
1, 10, 2023-03-01_13_00_00
2, 10, 2023-03-01_13_00_10 <= Same as previos, should be filtered out
3, 11, 2023-03-01_13_00_20
4, 10, 2023-03-01_13_00_30
5, 10, 2023-03-01_13_00_40 <= Same as previos, should be filtered out
6, 10, 2023-03-01_13_00_50 <= Same as previos, should be filtered out
7, 9, 2023-03-01_13_01_00
Is it possible to do it in MySQL right away?