I have an intact file system with a nonworkable old installation of linux. All the mysql pieces are there fine, I can see all the data files, but I can't figure out how to access them. I've tried a whole bunch of different approaches. Most recently I tried adapting this https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-move-a-mysql-data-directory-to-a-new-location-on-ubuntu-16-04
That tutorial helps migrate a database over from the default to a mounted partition. I'm trying to do the reverse, so I reinstalled mysql fresh and tried.
Unfortunately the tables just don't show up when I log in as root. I know a user "pyuser" was the creator of the dbs (and I have the password) but logging in doesn't work... should it show up if I log in under root anyway? can worry about the user problem later if I can just get access to the data.
Essentially my /var/lib/mysql/
folder now is a copy of the old folder exactly (did it with rsync)
How do I access these tables within the new os? I'm using linux mint, freshly installed onto a new drive
journalctl -u mysql.service -n 40
or if they are in a /var/log/mysql file, the copy of that log.