I'm trying to restore postgresql database from dump on fresh new server. Source database uses pgcron
extension, target server have pgcron
extension installed.
This is how I create dumps on "source" server:
pg_dumpall -h hostname -p 5435 -U myuser --roles-only | bzip2 -c -z > dump-role.sql.bz2
pg_dump -C -h hostname -p 5435 -U myuser mydatabase | bzip2 -c -z > dump-data.sql.bz2
This is how I restore dumps on empty "target" server:
grep -Eiv '(CREATE ROLE postgres|ALTER ROLE postgres .*PASSWORD)' dump-role.sql | psql -Upostgres > /dev/null
psql -Upostgres -f dump-data.sql > /dev/null
on the first command is used to left "postgres" superuser untouched on a target server.
When restoring from dump, I got 2 errors:
psql:/path/to/dump-data.sql:18831791: ERROR: policy "cron_job_policy" for table "job" already exists
psql:/path/to/dump-data.sql:18831798: ERROR: policy "cron_job_run_details_policy" for table "job_run_details" already exists
They refers to the following lines of dump:
-- Name: job cron_job_policy; Type: POLICY; Schema: cron; Owner: some_user
CREATE POLICY cron_job_policy ON cron.job USING ((username = CURRENT_USER));
-- Name: job_run_details cron_job_run_details_policy; Type: POLICY; Schema: cron; Owner: some_user
CREATE POLICY cron_job_run_details_policy ON cron.job_run_details USING ((username = CURRENT_USER));
I guess this is some pg_cron "self-made" structure, I never created those POLICY by hands on "source" database.
Is there a way to fix this errors? Or maybe should I just ignore them?