I have 2 tables, size and cost. My query does a count with a greater than comparison of cost and counts different sizes.

table1: size u
table2: cred t

Here is my query:
select u.size as size
,count(u.size) * .4 as "40% of size"
,count(case when (t.cred * 12) > (t.inc *.3) then 1 end) as "30% cost"
from cred t
join size u on t.id = u.id
group by u.size

The result is as follows:

Size 40% of size 30% cost
0 75.6 50
1 470.4 160
2 414.8 114
3 202.8 59
4 40 21
5 8.8 9
6 0.4 1

I want the query to show a 'Y' if the cost column is larger than the size column and a 'N' if it is smaller. Here would be the result I'm looking for:

Size 40% of size 30% cost Y/N
0 75.6 50 N
1 470.4 160 N
2 414.8 114 N
3 202.8 59 N
4 40 21 N
5 8.8 9 Y
6 0.4 1 Y

Is there a way to show this? I tried to use the following, but I get this: Boolean value cannot be operated with non-Boolean value.

,case when ((t.cred * 12) > (t.inc * .3)) > (count(u.size) * .4) then 'Y' else 'N' end as "Y/N"
Not sure if I need to do a subquery?

2 Answers 2


You can use subquery or cte to make it more readable, but you don't have to. Version with subquery :

select a.* , 
  when [30% cost]>[40% of size] then 'Y' 
  else 'N' 
end as [Y/N]
  select u.size as size
  ,count(u.size) * .4 as "40% of size"
  ,count(case when (t.cred * 12) > (t.inc *.3) then 1 end) as "30% cost"
  from cred t
  join size u on t.id = u.id
  group by u.size

Without subquery

      select u.size as size
      ,count(u.size) * .4 as "40% of size"
      ,count(case when (t.cred * 12) > (t.inc *.3) then 1 end) as "30% cost"
        when count(case when (t.cred * 12) > (t.inc *.3) then 1 end) > count(u.size) * .4 then 'Y'
        else 'N' 
      end as [Y/N]
      from cred t
      join size u on t.id = u.id
      group by u.size
  • Brilliant @alex07!! Thanks!!! Looks like I missed a "count" and also misplaced parenthesis.
    – tkmagnet
    Commented Sep 14, 2023 at 14:35

you could probably use a CTE to get your desired result.

something like this:

with cte as(
select u.size as size
,count(u.size) * .4 as "40% of size"
,count(case when (t.cred * 12) > (t.inc *.3) then 1 end) as "30% cost"
from cred t
join size u on t.id = u.id
group by u.size )

select Size,[40% of size],[30% cost],
case when [30% cost]>[40% of size] then 'Y'
    Else 'N' as [Y/N]
from cte;
  • I tried to use a cte, but the error keeps coming back: Your statement must start with CREATE, DROP, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, ALTER, EXECUTE, DELETE, GRANT, REVOKE, BEGIN, COMMIT, ROLLBACK, SAVEPOINT, SET, DEBUG or a script statement. I'm assuming that I would need to use a subquery?
    – tkmagnet
    Commented Sep 13, 2023 at 17:45
  • if you edit your post to include tables schema and sample data, i might be able to provide a better answer
    – Bob Klimes
    Commented Sep 13, 2023 at 18:18

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