I wasn't paying attention when I was presented with the option to generate credentials for operating via SSL. Having gone through the whole process, I was advised to follow-up on installing credentials. Well, I didn't know what it was advising and I left the utility. Once I restarted the MySQL server, I was unable to log into mySQL Workbench as I had previously been able to do. This hasn't (so far) seemed to affect my logging into MySQL command line interface. So, that means I am able to tweak should I need to. Something tells me that there's settings in the user table identifying which clients can connect and from where. All of this is on one machine, where I run mySQL server and perform my client business. I don't think OS is affecting this -- my woes started once I used (what appeared to be) an automated setup to install SSL.
I found references online to a MySQL utility (mysql_ssl_rsa_setup) which is supposed to be for automating SSL setup. However, when I try this, I am presented with WARNING message: mysql_ssl_rsa_setup is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use the mysqld server instead. I'm running MySQL version 8.0.36. I don't know how to find the mysqld server version.
The specific message reported by my MySQL Workbench says: Your connection attempt failed for user 'root' to the MySQL server at localhost:3306. It goes on to give 4 things to try:
- Check that MySQL is running on address localhost. (CHECK!)
- Check that MySQL is reachable on port 3306. (CHECK!)
- Check the user root has rights to connect to localhost from your address. (CHECK! I can log in via the command line MySQL shell.)
- Make sure that you are both providing a password if needed and using the correct password for localhost connecting from the host address you're connecting from (Unsure about this one except to verify that I can log into the server using
mysql -u root -p
When I list the "variables like '%SSL%'" , I get a listing of about 30 items. "have_openssl" and "have_ssl" are both yes. "ssl_ca" is "ca.pem;" and "ssl_cert" is "server-cert.pem." Finally, "ssl_key" is "server-key.pem." "ssl_session_cache_mode" and "ssl_session_cache_timeout" are "ON" and "300" respectively. "ssl_fips_mode" is "OFF".
My question: How do I undo the damage done (i.e., disable ssl)?