So I'm currently creating some SQL to read through the postgres (9.1) catalogs to build table definitions. However, I am encountering a problem with SERIAL/BIGSERIAL data types.
SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema='cruft' AND table_name='temp';
It gives me database name (db), schema name (cruft), table name (temp), column name (id), default value (nextval( ... )), and data type (bigint and int8 .. NOT bigserial) ... I realize that I could just check to see if the default value was a sequence - but I don't believe that would be 100% accurate since I could manually create a sequence and create a non serial column where the default value was that sequence.
Does anyone have a suggestion for how I might accomplish this? Anything other than checking the default value for a nextval(*_seq)?
Edited for SQL solution added here in case of TL;DR or new users unfamiliar with the pg_catalog:
with sequences as (
select oid, relname as sequencename from pg_class where relkind = 'S'
) select
sch.nspname as schemaname, tab.relname as tablename, col.attname as columnname, col.attnum as columnnumber, seqs.sequencename
from pg_attribute col
join pg_class tab on col.attrelid = tab.oid
join pg_namespace sch on tab.relnamespace = sch.oid
left join pg_attrdef def on tab.oid = def.adrelid and col.attnum = def.adnum
left join pg_depend deps on def.oid = deps.objid and deps.deptype = 'n'
left join sequences seqs on deps.refobjid = seqs.oid
where sch.nspname != 'information_schema' and sch.nspname not like 'pg_%' -- won't work if you have user schemas matching pg_
and col.attnum > 0
and seqs.sequencename is not null -- TO ONLY VIEW SERIAL/BIGSERIAL COLUMNS
order by sch.nspname, tab.relname, col.attnum;