I have the following problem: I can connect to an Orcale database as normal user or as sysdba:
sqlplus myuser/myPw@myDB
sqlplus "sys/sysPw@myDB as sysdba"
But when another (Windows-User) is logged on, he could only use
sqlplus myuser/myPw@myDB
sqlplus "sys/sysPw@myDB as sysdba"
he gets the error:
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Do Sep 29 12:10:07 2011
Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
ERROR: ORA-01031: Nicht ausreichende Berechtigungen.
I even tried full qualified paths to sqlplus with the same result.
I see the possibility that different windows users use different (windows-) environment variables, especially different PATH variables. Further I see the possibility that some windows dlls could have wrong security settings and can not be accessed by one of the users.
But I do not see, how this could make an Oracle user, ( SYS in this case ) behave differently.
2nd Edit:
I checked that the Path variable is a system variable, i.e. both windows logins use the same paths.