When I created a publisher for the first time, it asked for the snapshot folder path. I deleted that replication and tried to recreate the publisher. This time it doesn't even ask for the path for snapshot folder.

Why is that? and how can I force this to ask for a snapshot path.

If I change the path to one replication (that I am going to create, will it change for all the replications that is running on the sql instance?

Thanks for your help

1 Answer 1


SQL Server asks for a root snapshot folder path when you Configured Publishing and Distribution.

After configuring publishing and distribution, all subsequent publications created will use that snapshot folder but will have their own sub-folder within that folder.

If you wish to have your snapshot files for a particular publication be put into a different root snapshot folder, specify this by passing in the path to the @alt_snapshot_folder parameter of sp_addpublication or sp_addmergepublication when you create the publication. Alternatively, this can be done from the Publication Properties dialog after you have created your publication and before generating a snapshot on the Snapshot page, Location of snapshot files section, Put files in the following folder.

enter image description here

If you have anymore questions, please let me know.

I hope this helps.


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