Let's suppose a database with a bad security design, say everyone access to the database with a user with DBADM or SYSADM authority, and also, there could be only username for everyone (i.e. db2inst1).
I would like to perform an administrative task, for example a schema migration, and I need to be the only one connected to the database.
How can I be sure that I will be the only one that access the database?
- Quiesce database is not enough because other users access with a high privilege user.
- Quiesce instance does not allow to activate the database if restrict access is selected.
- DB2COMM could be removed from db2set, however a local cron could be eventually fired.
- MAXAPPLS to 1. However, I should be that one, if not force apps again should be issued.
- Connect in exclusive mode could not work if the user is used by others.
- Changing the workload configuration to allow only me? (from my IP)
However, those are too many changes just for a simple task.
I saw a similar discussion, however I do not see something that convince me: http://database.ittoolbox.com/groups/technical-functional/db2-l/luw-how-to-prevent-connections-to-a-single-database-within-an-instance-3189860
What are your propositions? What would you do in that case?