I am designing a database for one of my sales teams. Right now, the goal is to get a master list of customers and their mailing addresses, but the DB will eventually expand to track some other customer data. So, right now I am just working on the customers table, but want to make sure I follow good normalization and efficiency guidelines in case this thing grows beyond current expectations.
Right now, we have ~3,000 customers. So, we have customer codes we use to ID our customers. Each one can be a max of 20 characters, is alphanumeric, and will always be unique per customer (Foo, Inc. might have a cust code of FOOINC and might have 25 sub accounts, but there will only be one FOOINC master entity. If we ever did biz with another company called Foo Technologies Inc, we would create a new code like FOOTECH or something).
I am not a DBA, but have designed several DB's in the past and traditionally use a SQL identity field as the PK. In this instance, I've been thinking of using the customer code. What are the pros/cons of doing this? On the one hand, it seems logical to use a unique identifier as the PK if I have one, which I do. On the other, I know string PKs are slower than int PKs - this database will definitely grow, but it will never be millions of rows. The 3,000 customers are over 7 years of business, so it will be quite awhile before we even get to tens of thousands of rows.
I've researched this question and the debate usually ends with a "it depends on the data" - so please, teach me...in this situation, what would you consider when planning the table? What would you use for the PK? Any advantage to sticking an autoincrementing INT in there anyway? Any issues with indexing and inserting records?
FYI, the table layout just needs the following:
-Address2(nvarchar(50)) - nullable
-Address3(nvarchar(50)) - nullable
-ZipCode (nvarchar(9))
Bonus question - worth sticking with 3NF and making a separate table holding city, state, with ZipCode as a PK and making a relationship to the customers table? Or don't worry about 3NF and keep the city/state in the customer table to avoid some joins?
Thanks for the help! Let me know if you need any other details.