For one of our DB's on SQL server 2012 RTM,
We could not perform almost any troubleshooting step as the error says:
" Transaction log is full due to 'CHECKPOINT"
This being a dev database, its backup never happened, so we are out of option with that even.
Tried shrinking the log file but no success and got below error:
log is out of space - with a cascade error that the transaction log is full due to 'CHECKPOINT'
DBCC CHECKDB mostly just gives errors because the transaction log is full due to 'CHECKPOINT'
I can't change the recovery model to full - get an error because the transaction log is full due to 'CHECKPOINT'
Cannot take backup: same error:
Even tried detach and attaching back on other server (SQL server 2012 RTM) , but same error:
Tried Manually doing CHECKPOINT on the DB, but still same error:
Have already refred to this post here Simple model database transaction log full 'CHECKPOINT'
The transaction log for database 'database_name' is full due to 'XTP_CHECKPOINT', but no success.
Note: We do not have replication set up on the current server or any database.
Please help as i am unable to find a root cause and fix for this!