Please help me out, why master server records only position not statement.

### INSERT INTO `sanma`.`response`
### SET
###   @1=743096223
###   @2=0
###   @3='IR'
###   @4='UnderProcess'
###   @5=2015-05-29 20:51:34
###   @6=743053329
###   @7=NULL
###   @8=NULL
###   @9='758484829'
###   @10=1432912893
###   @11=758484829
###   @12='UnderProcess'
###   @13=0
###   @14=NULL
###   @15=NULL
###   @16=NULL
###   @17=NULL
# at 20535714
#150529 20:51:33 server id 71  end_log_pos 20535741     Xid = 84151212
# at 20535741
#150529 20:44:01 server id 100  end_log_pos 20535779    GTID 0-100-3874997400
/*!100001 SET @@session.server_id=100*//*!*/;
/*!100001 SET @@session.gtid_seq_no=3874997400*//*!*/;
# at 20535779
# at 20535837
# at 20536877
# at 20537901
# at 20538944
# at 20539978
# at 20541012
# at 20542040
# at 20543076
# at 20544094

. . . . .

. . and sql_thread stuck on slave.

Thanks in advance.

  • SHOW SLAVE STATUS; (on slave) and SHOW MASTER STATUS; (on master).
    – Rick James
    Commented Jun 8, 2015 at 1:17

1 Answer 1


Your MySQL Instance is using binlog_format as ROW and not STATEMENT.

You can check with one of the following:

SELECT @global.binlog_format;
SELECT variable_value FROM information_schema.global variables
WHERE variable_name = 'binlgo_format';

This should be OK for you because it keeps the table layout a secret, known only to your developers, DBAs, and Project Managers. You will now be able to see the SQL with your current binary logs. I just mentioned this about 3 weeks ago : Show sql statements from mysql binlog (GTID)

You could switch binlog_format to MIXED and see if it exposes the actual SQL.

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