We have our database stored in aruba (mysql.aruba.it) where there is a table called "task". Because of many changes in the requirements we decided to drop the table and create it again from 0 with different fields and constraints. The problem is that MySQL/Aruba won't let us create a called "task" table anymore. Or better, we can create another task table only with engine MyISAM but we need INNODB because we will use contraints and foreign keys in the table. So I have tried to create a MyISAM table and then convert it into INNODB but I get an error like this:
#1025 - Error on rename of './Sql689345_4/#sql-6962_1891f' to './Sql689345_4/task' (errno: -1)
I don't know why there is this problem with this table: for other tables we have we can drop them and re-create them as many times as we want. Is there a way to fix it?
Does InnoDB appear in the list ? Does theSupport
columns sayYES