Hi friends help me to solve this problem ," display all last messages of a user from all his/her friends"

My sample message table is

|  id | msg       | sender |  reciver | friend_id |
|  1  | Hi        | 1      | 2        | 1         |
|  2  | Hi..      | 2      | 1        | 1         |
|  3  | Hello     | 6      | 1        | 3         |
|  4  | What dong | 1      | 6        | 3         |

I need only the last message b/w the user and his friends (here consider user id is 1)

I need the result like below , please help me to achive this with mysql

|  id | msg       | sender |  reciver | friend_id |
|  4  | What dong | 1      | 6        | 3         |
|  2  | Hi..      | 2      | 1        | 1         |

The name of this table is message..

1 Answer 1

select a.id, a.msg, a.sender, a.receiver, a.friend_id
from msg a
left join msg b on (a.friend_id = b.friend_id and a.id < b.id)
where b.id is null
  and (a.sender = 1 or a.receiver = 1)
order by a.id desc;

Can be tested at http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/35823/10

It uses "groupwise-max" solution with a left join as can be found for instance in mysql manual (last example).

Your schema seems a bit weird keeping sender, receiver and friend_id, but I suppose friend_id is a FK to some friends table where pairs of (1,2) and (1,6) are stored, so it is more of a "friendship_id" ?

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