I've been trying to optimize the sort in the following query. I ran EXPLAIN ANALYZE
and the majority of the time is during the sort when it arranges the output by distance.
I've tried converting the fields for lat
, lng
into text and removed the to_number
function to see if it would make a difference but the results didn't change.
I tried creating an index in ttb_members_store
on lat
, lng
to see if that would help and the queries were about 125 ms slower.
What would be the next step?
SELECT tms.*,
0 as kyori ,
(139.745069 - to_number(tms.lng,'000D00000000')) / 0.0111 * 1000000,
2) +
(35.662978 - to_number(tms.lat,'000D00000000')) / 0.0091 *1000000,
) AS kyori2
FROM ttb_members tms,
mtb_tenshu mt
WHERE (tms.tenshu_cd = mt.small_cd)
AND (tms.view <> 0)
AND (tms.type in (2,3))
AND (tms.delete_datetime is null)
Limit (cost=7180.01..7181.66 rows=20 width=621) (actual time=615.232..615.333 rows=20 loops=1)
-> Unique (cost=7178.36..8968.36 rows=21697 width=621) (actual time=615.129..615.288 rows=40 loops=1)
-> Sort (cost=7178.36..7232.60 rows=21697 width=621) (actual time=615.125..615.162 rows=43 loops=1)
Sort Key: ((power((((139.745069 - to_number(tms.lng, '000D00000000'::text)) / 0.0111) * 1000000::numeric), 2::num
eric) + power((((35.662978 - to_number(tms.lat, '000D00000000'::text)) / 0.0091) * 1000000::numeric), 2::numeric))), tms.id, tms
.store_cd, tms.store_nm_org, tms.store_nm_chg, tms.store_nm_kn_org, tms.store_nm_kn_chg, tms.address1_org, tms.address2_org, tms
.address3_org, tms.address1_chg, tms.address2_chg, tms.address3_chg, tms.search_address, tms.tel, tms.kenku_cd, tms.tensyu_cd, t
ms.new_flg, tms.lat, tms.lng, tms.point, tms.level, tms.view, tms.search_word, tms.create_datetime, tms.update_datetime, tms.del
ete_datetime, tms.proc_flg, tms.type, tms.latlng_chg_flg, tms.view_chg_flg
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 22864kB
-> Hash Join (cost=334.39..5615.61 rows=21697 width=621) (actual time=3.891..284.492 rows=25391 loops=1)
Hash Cond: (tms.tensyu_cd = mt.small_cd)
-> Bitmap Heap Scan on ttb_members_store tms (cost=331.97..4657.03 rows=22804 width=621) (actual time=3.6
93..31.098 rows=23141 loops=1)
Recheck Cond: ((view <> 0) AND (type = ANY ('{2,3}'::integer[])) AND (delete_datetime IS NULL))
-> Bitmap Index Scan on ttb_members_store_idx3 (cost=0.00..326.27 rows=22804 width=0) (actual time=
3.206..3.206 rows=23141 loops=1)
-> Hash (cost=1.63..1.63 rows=63 width=3) (actual time=0.160..0.160 rows=63 loops=1)
Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 2kB
-> Seq Scan on mtb_tensyu mt (cost=0.00..1.63 rows=63 width=3) (actual time=0.005..0.078 rows=63 lo
Total runtime: 616.526 ms
Here is the definition of the two tables:
Table ttb_members_store
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null default nextval(...
store_cd | character(9) | not null
store_nm_org | text |
store_nm_chg | text |
store_nm_kn_org | text |
store_nm_kn_chg | text |
address1_org | text |
address2_org | text |
address3_org | text |
address1_chg | text |
address2_chg | text |
address3_chg | text |
search_address | text |
tel | text |
kenku_cd | character(4) |
tensyu_cd | character(2) |
new_flg | smallint |
lat | text |
lng | text |
point | text |
level | smallint |
view | smallint |
search_word | text |
create_datetime | timestamp without time zone | not null
update_datetime | timestamp without time zone |
delete_datetime | timestamp without time zone |
proc_flg | smallint |
type | smallint |
latlng_chg_flg | smallint |
view_chg_flg | smallint |
"ttb_members_store_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"ttb_members_store_idx1" UNIQUE, btree (store_cd)
Table mtb_tensyu
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null default nextval(...
large_cd | integer | not null
large_nm | text | not null
small_cd | character(2) | not null
small_nm | text | not null
create_datetime | timestamp without time zone | not null default now()
update_datetime | timestamp without time zone |
delete_datetime | timestamp without time zone |
"mtb_tensyu_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"mtb_tensyu_idx1" btree (small_cd)
conditions are constant, and which can change (in what range)? Why do you join tomtb_tenshu
(at all)? Please provide a table definition ofttb_members
(\d ttb_members
in psql) and the definition ofttb_members_store_idx3
. Generally, consider instructions in the tag info for [postgresql-performance].ttb_members_store
lists the stores, their addresses and phone numbers, lat and long, etc.mtb_tenshu
lists what type of store they are. Thetenshu_cd
in both tables helps match what type of store to the address, so if someone is looking for a Chinese restaurant in a certain area, it will be displayed.ttb_members_store_idx3
, which is missing in your description.