I am trying to combine GROUP_CONCAT
with COUNT()
, and failing.
I have the following data:
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`team` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
`name` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
`item` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
INSERT INTO `test`.`tab1` (`team`, `name`, `item`) VALUES ('team1', 'bob', 'car');
INSERT INTO `test`.`tab1` (`team`, `name`, `item`) VALUES ('team1', 'bob', 'car');
INSERT INTO `test`.`tab1` (`team`, `name`, `item`) VALUES ('team1', 'bob', 'phone');
INSERT INTO `test`.`tab1` (`team`, `name`, `item`) VALUES ('team1', 'john', 'car');
INSERT INTO `test`.`tab1` (`team`, `name`, `item`) VALUES ('team1', 'john', 'phone');
INSERT INTO `test`.`tab1` (`team`, `name`, `item`) VALUES ('team2', 'mark', 'car');
INSERT INTO `test`.`tab1` (`team`, `name`, `item`) VALUES ('team2', 'phil', 'phone');
This gives me:
1 | team1 | bob | car
2 | team1 | bob | car
3 | team1 | bob | phone
4 | team1 | john | car
5 | team1 | john | phone
6 | team2 | mark | car
7 | team2 | phil | phone
I am trying to get to:
team1 | bob | car(2), phone(1)
team1 | john | car(1), phone(1)
team2 | mark | car(1)
team2 | phil | phone(1)
The closest I have managed is:
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CONCAT(A.item, "(", B.count, ")") SEPARATOR ' , ') AS groupings
FROM tab1 A
SELECT team, name, item, count(item) AS count
FROM tab1
GROUP BY team, name, item
) B
GROUP BY team, name
But this gives me
team1 | bob | car(1) , phone(1) , car(2) , phone(2)
team1 | john | phone(1) , car(1) , car(2) , phone(2)
team2 | mark | car(1) , car(2)
team2 | phil | phone(1) , phone(2)
I've tried every possible combination of GROUP BY
I can think of, but it still doesn't work. What have I missed please?