How does one identify if the Oracle Data Guard feature is enabled in Oracle database?
If this can be determined by a query, what is the query for finding the same?
How does one identify if the Oracle Data Guard feature is enabled in Oracle database?
If this can be determined by a query, what is the query for finding the same?
There is a built-in procedure for that.
set serveroutput on
feature_boolean number;
aux_count number;
feature_info clob;
dbms_feature_data_guard(feature_boolean, aux_count, feature_info);
Sample output when Data Guard is not used:
Data Guard usage not detected
Sample output when Data Guard is used:
Number of standbys: 1, Redo Apply used: TRUE, SQL Apply used: FALSE, Snapshot
Standby used: FALSE, Broker used: TRUE, Protection mode: MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE,
Log transports used: LGWR ASYNC, Fast-Start Failover used: FALSE, Real-Time
Apply used: TRUE, Compression used: FALSE, Flashback used: FALSE
The source of the above procedure is not wrapped, so one can browse it and find how the database detects Data Guard usage.
-- check for Data Guard usage by counting valid standby destinations
execute immediate 'select count(*) from v$archive_dest ' ||
'where status = ''VALID'' and target = ''STANDBY'''
into num_standbys;
if (num_standbys > 0) then
feature_boolean := 1;
Basically, if the result of this query is greater than 0, than the Data Guard is in use as per the procedure:
select count(*) from v$archive_dest where status = 'VALID' and target = 'STANDBY';
WHERE NAME = 'Data Guard'
sqlplus / as sysdba
show parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG
if output is blank, it means Data Guard is not configured.