I am new in SQL Server. Wrongly I disabled my instance when I'd worked with Logins. Now I can not connect to Database Engine.
Could you please help me?
I am new in SQL Server. Wrongly I disabled my instance when I'd worked with Logins. Now I can not connect to Database Engine.
Could you please help me?
Download PSExec from Microsoft, then use it to launch Management Studio once you have it installed: PsExec -s -i "C:...\Ssms.exe"
This will connect as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM and will allow you to do things in Object Explore such as reset SA password. Thanks to user Aaron Bertrand for the information...
ok looks like you have locked out your SQL login.
Hit the Windows key to bring up the Start menu along with the Search bar. Type "services.msc" in the Search bar. This will launch the Services MMC.
Now find your SQL Server and SQL Server Agent services and stop both of them. Right click the SQL Server service > Properties > Startup and add "-m" in the "Specify a startup parameter" box (without the double quotes). This will start it in single user mode. Now start the SQL Server service.
Next, bring up a command prompt and run this :
The "-E" parameter is used to start in Windows Authentication. Now use this syntax to create a new powerful account :
This will now exit you from the command window. You can now connect to SQL Server (with SQL Authentication) by using the POWERFUL_USER username and password.