I wrote the following (Quick and Dirty) script to document a database schema: Note - The relationships part came from another guys site (I just can't remember where). Does anyone know how to integrate the Column Descriptions and Table Description:
Set NoCount On
If Object_Id('TempDb..##Database_Tables') Is Not Null Begin Drop Table ##Database_Tables End
--Create temp tables
Create Table ##Database_Tables (Table_Id Int Identity(1,1) Primary Key, Table_Name Varchar(255));
--Create variables
Declare @Database_Name Varchar(Max) = '';
Declare @Document_Title Varchar(Max) = '';
Declare @Document_Start Varchar(Max) = '';
Declare @Document_Finish Varchar(255) = '';
Declare @Document_Styles Varchar(Max) = '';
Declare @Document_Body Varchar(Max) = '';
--Create basic document data
Set @Database_Name = 'master';
Set @Document_Title = @Database_Name + ' Database Documentation';
Set @Document_Start = '<html><head><style type="text/css">@Document_Styles</style></head><body>';
Set @Document_Styles = '*{margin:0px;padding:0px;border-collapse:collapse;font-family:tahoma;font-size:12px;}' +
'.title{position:relative;top:0px;left:0px;font-weight:bold;color:black;background-color:#eeeeee;margin-bottom:10px;font-size:20px;}' +
'.section{position:relative;top:0px;left:0px;width:800px;border:1px solid silver;margin-bottom:10px;padding:10px!important;}' +
'.section .header{position:relative;top:0px;left:0px;width:400px;height:20px;font-weight:bold;color:navy;text-decoration:underline;font-size:14px;}' +
'.table{margin-bottom:5px;}' +
'.table thead{background-color:gray;border:1px solid black}' +
'.table th{border:1px solid black;padding-right:10px;padding-top:2px;padding-bottom:2px;}' +
'.table td{border:1px solid black;padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px;padding-top:2px;padding-bottom:2px;}' +
'.subsection{position:relative;top:0px;margin-left:10px;}' +
'.subsection .header{color:red!important;font-size:12px!important;}';
--Create basic document data
Exec ('Insert Into ##Database_Tables(Table_Name) ' +
'Select Table_Name ' +
'From ' + @Database_Name + '.Information_Schema.Tables ' +
'Order By Table_Name'
--Print document start and title
Print Replace(@Document_Start, '@Document_Styles', @Document_Styles);
Print '<div class="title">' + @Document_Title + '</div>';
--Document table schema
Declare @Table_Name Varchar(255) = '';
Declare @Table_Count Integer = 0;
Declare @Table_Data Table (Table_Information Varchar(Max));
Declare @Table_Id Integer = 1;
Select @Table_Count = Count(Table_Name) From ##Database_Tables;
Select @Table_Id = 1;
While @Table_Id <= @Table_Count
Declare @TableId Integer;
Declare @Test Varchar(Max) = '';
Select @Table_Name = Table_Name From ##Database_Tables Where Table_Id = @Table_Id;
--Get primary table info
Delete From @Table_Data;
Insert Into @Table_Data (Table_Information)
Select '<tr><td>' + Table_Name + '</td><td>' + Column_Name + '</td><td>' + IsNull(Replace(Character_Maximum_Length, '-1', 'Max'),'') + '</td><td>' + Data_Type + '</td><td>' + Is_Nullable + '</td></tr>' As Table_Information
From Information_Schema.Columns Where Table_Name = @Table_Name;
Declare @Table_Information Varchar(Max);
Select @Table_Information = Coalesce(@Table_Information + '', '') + Table_Information
From @Table_Data
Where Table_Information Is Not Null
Print '<div class="section">';
Print '<div class="header">Table Name: ' + @Table_Name + '</div>';
Print '<table class="table"><thead><th>Table Name</th><th>Column_Name</th><th>Column_Length</th><th>Data_Type</th><th>Nullable</th><thead><tbody>';
Print @Table_Information;
Print '</table>';
Set @Table_Information = Null;
--Get relationship info (Reference needed)
Delete From @Table_Data;
Insert Into @Table_Data (Table_Information)
Select '<tr><td>' + Fk.Table_Name + '</td><td>' + Cu.Column_Name + '</td><td>' + Pt.Column_Name + '</td><td>' + C.Constraint_Name+ '</td></tr>' As Table_Information
From Information_Schema.Referential_Constraints C
Inner Join Information_Schema.Table_Constraints Fk On C.Constraint_Name = Fk.Constraint_Name
Inner Join Information_Schema.Table_Constraints Pk On C.Unique_Constraint_Name = Pk.Constraint_Name
Inner Join Information_Schema.Key_Column_Usage CU On C.Constraint_Name = Cu.Constraint_Name
Inner Join (
Select i1.Table_Name, i2.Column_Name
From Information_Schema.Table_Constraints i1
Inner Join Information_Schema.Key_Column_Usage i2 On i1.CONSTRAINT_NAME = i2.CONSTRAINT_NAME
Where i1.Constraint_Type = 'Primary Key'
) Pt On Pt.Table_Name = Pk.Table_Name
And Pk.Table_Name = @Table_Name
Select @Table_Information = Coalesce(@Table_Information + '', '') + Table_Information
From @Table_Data
Where Table_Information Is Not Null
Print '<div class="subsection">';
Print '<div class="header">Foreign Relationships: </div>';
Print '<table class="table"><thead><th>Foreign_Table</th><th>Foreign_Column_Name</th><th>Primary_Table_Key</th><th>Constraint_Name</th><thead><tbody>';
Print @Table_Information;
Print '</table>';
Print '<tbody></table></div></div>';
Set @Table_Information = Null;
Set @Table_Id = @Table_Id + 1;
Print '</body></html>';
Set NoCount Off;