I want to write a select statement that with some fixed columns and dynamic columns. here Dynamic Columns names are the rows in another table.

I have tried this but getting error. Please tell me where my error is

set @sql=(Select subject from tbl_subjects where C_Id=22);
    tbl_cmarks tm,
    tbl_admission ta,
    tbl_classes tc
    tm.Cid = tc.C_Id
        AND ta.rollno = tm.rollno
        AND tm.Cid = 22 and tm.Examid=9 

Mysql showing:

Error Code: 1242. Subquery returns more than 1 row

Could any one tell me how to do this in mysql?

  • When you run the query Select subject from tbl_subjects where C_Id=22 how many rows are returned? Are they identical values? Can you edit your post with some sample data and the desire result?
    – Taryn
    Commented Jul 16, 2013 at 13:39
  • Thank you @bluefeet for early response. Select subject from tbl_subjects where C_Id=22 will return 7 subject names Commented Jul 16, 2013 at 13:45
  • that 7 subject names are column names in tbl_cmarks. I want to select records from tbl_camrks, but don't know how many columns to pass in select statement, thats why i am selecting the rows from subjects table identical to class 22 Commented Jul 16, 2013 at 13:47
  • If you have the column name in tbl_cmarks as different subjects, it sounds like you have a design flaw. Can you edit you original question with the table structures, sample data and then the desired result? Or even better create a sql fiddle with your table details.
    – Taryn
    Commented Jul 16, 2013 at 13:53
  • Plz look at this sqlfiddle sqlfiddle.com/#!2/59ec8/3 Commented Jul 16, 2013 at 14:27

2 Answers 2


Looking at your table structures, I would suggest that you change the design to something that is normalized. For example:

create table tbl_subjects
  sub_id int,
  subject_name varchar(25)

create table tbl_cmarks
  c_id int,
  examid int,
  rollno int,
  sub_id int,
  mark int

Using something similar to above will allow you to add new subjects without having to alter your table. Then you will just join the tables on the sub_id to get the list of subjects for each class.

select ta.rollno,ta.StdNm,tc.C_Name,
FROM tbl_cmarks tm
INNER JOIN tbl_classes tc
  ON tm.Cid = tc.C_Id
INNER JOIN tbl_admission ta
  ON ta.rollno = tm.rollno
INNER JOIN tbl_subjects s
  on tm.sub_id = s.sub_id
where tm.Cid = 22 
  and tm.Examid=9;

See SQL Fiddle with Demo. The above will give you a result in rows, but you could easily apply an aggregate function with a CASE expression to pivot the data into columns. Similar to the following:

select ta.rollno,
  max(case when s.subject = 'English' then tm.mark end) Emglish,
  max(case when s.subject = 'Physics' then tm.mark end) Physics
FROM tbl_cmarks tm
INNER JOIN tbl_classes tc
  ON tm.Cid = tc.C_Id
INNER JOIN tbl_admission ta
  ON ta.rollno = tm.rollno
INNER JOIN tbl_subjects s
  on tm.sub_id = s.sub_id
where tm.Cid = 22 
  and tm.Examid=9
group by  ta.rollno, ta.StdNm, tc.C_Name;

See Demo.

But if you don't change your current table structure and if you don't know the columns that you are going to return, then you will have to implement a prepared statement to generate dynamic SQL.

First, you will create the list of the classes:

set @sqlList = null;
set @query = null;

  GROUP_CONCAT(concat('tm.', subject)) 
INTO @sqlList
FROM tbl_subjects
where C_Id=22;

See Demo. This will give you the list of classes for each c_id. Once you have the list of classes, then you can add this to the rest of the sql string so the full code will be:

set @sqlList = null;
set @query = null;

  GROUP_CONCAT(concat('tm.', subject)) 
INTO @sqlList
FROM tbl_subjects
where C_Id=22;

SET @query 
  = CONCAT('SELECT ta.rollno,ta.StdNm,tc.C_Name, ', @sqlList, ' 
            FROM tbl_cmarks tm
            INNER JOIN tbl_classes tc
              ON tm.Cid = tc.C_Id
            INNER JOIN tbl_admission ta
              ON ta.rollno = tm.rollno
            where tm.Cid = 22 
              and tm.Examid=9');

PREPARE stmt FROM @query;

See SQL Fiddle with Demo

  • All this and no information_schema involvement? Wow !!! This is worth a +2, but you'll have to settle for +1 !!! Commented Jul 16, 2013 at 14:44
  • 1
    @RolandoMySQLDBA Thanks! I also edited my answer to suggest a table redesign, IMO the tbl_cmarks is poorly design and the OP will have a much easier time if they redesign the table.
    – Taryn
    Commented Jul 16, 2013 at 14:46
  • Thank you @bluefeet. If i create the table structure like as you mentioned above i have a problem i.e., suppose student in Class 22 means XA having 7 subjects, here i need to add 7 records only identical field is sub_id, if class XA have 60 students 60*7 records for 1 single Exam_Id, if Exams are 6 for XA 60*7 records for also 6 times need to capture in table.So the table will have more data with repeated row values. thats y i have taken the structure like i was mentioned, here Subject Names will be max 9 identical for all classes from 1-10th. Commented Jul 16, 2013 at 15:16
  • BTW, for querying a large table, might want ` LIMIT nnn` at end of @query. I was doing something like this via phpmyadmin to an AWS DB, and it seemed to be hanging. I finally realized w/o LIMIT I was asking it to send ALL the rows to phpmyadmin to be formatted for display. Commented Feb 22, 2019 at 2:26

Your first command set @sql=(Select subject from tbl_subjects where C_Id=22); gives you an error because subquery returns more than 1 row. You either need to use cursors, and iterate through resultset or do something like

set @sql=(Select GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT subject SEPARATOR  ',' ) 
 from tbl_subjects where C_Id=22);

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