In the database are ~700k images. Each image has its own tag(s). I want to be able to search images by the tags with a full text search query. The query does exactly what I want but it's very slow. Can someone please help me speed it up, or create another one.
There are indexes on all the id-fields and the name field in the image_tag
FROM image
INNER JOIN (SELECT image_to_tag.image_id,
GROUP_CONCAT(image_tag.`name`) AS tags
FROM image_to_tag
INNER JOIN image_tag
ON ( = image_to_tag.image_tag_id)
GROUP BY image_to_tag.image_id) t ON t.image_id =
WHERE MATCH (t.tags) AGAINST ('+justin* +backgrounds*' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
Table: image
id | filename
1 | image1.jpg
2 | image2.jpg
3 | image3.jpg
Table: image_to_tag
image_id | image_tag_id
1 | 1
1 | 2
2 | 3
2 | 4
Table: image_tag
id | name
1 | justin bieber
2 | backgrounds
3 | justin timberlake
4 | other backgrounds
If I search for "justin background" I want to find images 1 and 2. If I search for "justin bieber background" I want to find image 1.
results). I am not sure if the fulltext match can do "OR", but even if not, you might do a bit of denormalization by concatenating the texts for all tags to some column linked to the image and then fulltext index that. With your current scheme you probably should get all tags matching either "justin" or "backgrounds" so you limit the inner query and only then theGROUP_CONCAT()
will "precise-filter" the remains.