I'm running this query in MYSQL and I'm getting the error 1241: Operand should contain 1 column(s).

I want to know the names and student id's of the students enrolled in Database Management Systems and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (both course titles in the CoursesOffer table)

  • Students(stuID: String, stuName: String, gender: String, birthdate: Date, enterYear: Year, gpa: Float)
  • Departments(deptName: String, numPhDs: Integer)
  • ProfessorWorks(profID: String, profName: String, deptName: String)
  • CoursesOffer(cNo: String, cTitle: String, deptName: String)
  • Majors(deptName: String, stuID: String, degreeProgram: String, attendYear: Year, attendSemester: String)
  • Sections(cNo: String, semester: String, sectNo: String, profID: String)
  • Enrolls(stuID: String, cNo: String, sectNo: String, semester: String, grade: String)

My query looks like

SELECT S.StuName, S.StuID 
FROM Students S NATURAL JOIN CoursesOffer C NATURAL JOIN Enrolls E 
WHERE cTitle='Database Management Systems'
IN (
SELECT S2.StuName, S2.StuID 
FROM Students S2 NATURAL JOIN CoursesOffer C2 NATURAL JOIN Enrolls E2 
WHERE cTitle='Knowledge Discovery in Databases');
  • IN is (logical) operator for the WHERE clause, it is used in the form val1 IN (<list fo values or a subquery>) and can be "extended" to use tuples like (val1, val2) IN (<list of pairs>) - so reading your code what you wrote seems to mean: "compare cTitle to 'Database Management Systems' and then check the result (0 or 1 for false/true) using the IN operator" - but it expects to get ONE column only to compare to the 0/1
    – jkavalik
    Commented Oct 14, 2015 at 6:07

1 Answer 1


You probably want to replace:

WHERE cTitle='Database Management Systems'
IN (
SELECT S2.StuName, S2.StuID 
  ) ;


WHERE cTitle='Database Management Systems'
  AND (S.StuName, S.StuID) IN (                -- this changed
SELECT S2.StuName, S2.StuID 
  ) ;

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