The order you write the JOINs is not relevant. Most, if not all, optimizers (and certainly SQL-Server's optimizer) know that JOIN
is associative and commutative.
Finding the best execution plan (which means join order, join algorithm for each join, choice of indices to use, etc), is a very hard problem which is exactly what query optimizers were built to solve and they use various and complex heuristics and techniques. But the order we write the joins in our queries is not taken into consideration, unless (maybe) as a starting point.
Choosing between the (possibly millions or trillions) ways of ordering the joins is far from trivial. It's like being thrown in a planet with a terrain full of mountain peaks and bottomless pits with the aim to find the lowest point. The starting position has negligible effect on this quest except maybe in very complex queries where the optimizer obviously cannot spend eternity considering all possible plans.
If I am not wrong, Simulated annealing is one of the heuristics/techniques used by The SQL Server Query Optimizer.
(I was wrong)