Why gives this code next error on the last line?

Invalid column name 'rId'.

    SELECT Id as rId
    FROM Roles
    WHERE Minimum >= (select punten 
                      from Users 
                      where id = 'abc')
INSERT INTO UserRoles (UserId, RoleId) 
VALUES ('abc', rId);

I use MS-SQL server.

1 Answer 1


I've found it! The code must be this:

;WITH rs AS 
    SELECT Id 
    FROM AspNetRoles
    WHERE Minimum >= (select punten from AspNetUsers where id = 'abc')
INSERT INTO AspNetUserRoles (UserId, RoleId)
SELECT 'abc', rs.id
FROM rs;
  • 3
    Or just INSERT INTO AspNetUserRoles (UserId, RoleId) SELECT 'abc', Id FROM AspNetRoles WHERE Minimum >= (select punten from AspNetUsers where id = 'abc');. On a different note, please consider putting semicolons at the end of each statement rather than at the beginning – that's where they are supposed to be.
    – Andriy M
    Commented Nov 27, 2015 at 12:21

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