The replication setup you have cannot be maintained when upgrding to MySQL 5.5
You will have to go with Master/Slave. Here is the reason:
Someone asked a question about gibberish appearing in a binary log and I answered this question
In my answer, I explained that binary logs start at different positions in different versions of MySQL
Here are those positions:
- 107 for MySQL 5.5
- 106 for MySQL 5.1
- 98 for MySQL 5.0 and back
With replication, these numbers apply to the relay logs as well. The net effect is that a Slave can replicate from an older version of MySQL, but not the other way around.
You are better off doing the following:
- Convert Master/Master to Master/Slave
- Upgrade to MySQL 5.5 on the Slave
- Point all apps at the Slave (now called NewMaster)
- service mysql stop on the Master
- Upgrade to MySQL 5.5 on the Master (now called NewSlave) but do not start mysql
- service mysql stop on NewMaster
- rsync NewMaster's /var/lib/mysql to NewSlaves's /var/lib/mysql
- rm /var/log/mysql/ on NewMaster
- rm /var/log/mysql/ on NewSlave
- service mysql start --skip-networking on NewMaster
- run RESET MASTER on NewMaster
- service mysql restart on NewMaster
- service mysql start on NewSlave
- run RESET MASTER on NewSlave
- setup Master/Master Replication using position 107 as start master_log_pos
With regard to using yum to upgrade, I run in panic and scream in horror at the thought of it.
Here is my more conservative approach:
- I would mysqldump everything EXCEPT the mysql schema.
Run this to generate SQL for all mysql user grants:
mysql -hhostaddr -umyuserid -pmypassword --skip-column-names -A -e"SELECT CONCAT('SHOW GRANTS FOR ''',user,'''@''',host,''';') FROM mysql.user WHERE user<>''" | mysql -hhostaddr -umyuserid -pmypassword --skip-column-names -A | sed 's/$/;/g' > /root/MySQLGrants.sql
Uninstall MySQL 5.1
- Install MySQL 5.5 from RPMs by hand.
- Load /root/MySQLGrants.sql into MySQL 5.5
- Load the mysqldump'd data back into MySQL 5.5
is just the tool that wraps yourrpm
transactions. :)