I am not able to take an incremental oplog dump. I am not getting any error messages the connection happens fine and also there is a operation recorded(shows up in db.currentOp()), but still nothing happens, not sure why?
I have executed the same command on a smaller database where everything works fine no problems at all, but the same command on a larger database(talking about 10-11 billion records which is increasing day by day), does not work.
The command is mentioned below:
mongodump --host $MONGODB_HOST:$MONGODB_PORT --authenticationDatabase admin -u $MONGODB_USERNAME -p $MONGODB_PASSWORD -d local -c oplog.rs -o backup/oplogDump/$currentTime --query '{"ts":{$gt: Timestamp( 1452157469, 37)}}'
After executing this command, the entire secondory mongo machine gets stuck, i mean letrely i need to restart the machine to get mongod start running again.
Another change that i have done recently is, i have increased the nssize to 1 GB as per developers requirement, I am not sure since when this issue started or what is causing this issue, Any Help will be really appreiciated?