I have a query which calculates the Time Difference and Distance Between the Next and Previous Row:
iVehicleMonitoringId AS PreviousId,
LEAD(iVehicleMonitoringId, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY iAssetID ORDER BY dtUTCDateTime) AS CurrentId,
iGeofenceId AS GeofenceId,
eEventCode as 'EventCode',
iAssetId AS AssetId,
LEAD(iAssetId, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY iAssetID ORDER BY dtUTCDateTime) AS PreviousAsset,
sDigitalInputValue AS PreviousIgnition,
LEAD(sDigitalInputValue, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY iAssetID ORDER BY dtUTCDateTime) AS CurrentIgnition,
dtUTCDateTime AS StartDate,
LEAD(dtUTCDateTime, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY iAssetID ORDER BY dtUTCDateTime) AS EndDate,
DATEDIFF(second, dtUTCDateTime, LEAD(dtUTCDateTime, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY iAssetID ORDER BY dtUTCDateTime)) AS DateDiffSeconds,
sptGeoLocaitonPoint.STDistance(LEAD(sptGeoLocaitonPoint, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY iAssetID ORDER BY dtUTCDateTime)) AS Distance
FROM VehicleMonitoringLog
WHERE dtUTCDateTime > @utcStartDate AND dtUTCDateTime < @utcEndDate
AND iAssetId in (Select iAssetID From #tblAssets)
) AS dt
ORDER BY dt.AssetId, dt.StartDate
Which returns the following result
Which is fine - Now I need to calculate the Total Distance and Time in between the selected section (Highlighted in Blue).
So basically it is the Total Distance and Total Time From eEventCode = 6 To eEventCode = 7. There can be more than one set with start event = 6 and end event = 7.
How do I perform this operation?
EDIT Okay this is the new fiddle with a dataset: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!6/40a9e1
Now this data has two datasets where start eventcode = 6 and end eventcode = 7
Now if I execute this query - to get distance between two adjacent points:
iVehicleMonitoringId AS PreviousId,
LEAD(iVehicleMonitoringId, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY iAssetID ORDER BY dtUTCDateTime) AS CurrentId,
iGeofenceId AS GeofenceId,
eEventCode as 'EventCode',
DATEDIFF(second, dtUTCDateTime, LEAD(dtUTCDateTime, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY iAssetID ORDER BY dtUTCDateTime)) AS DateDiffSeconds,
sptGeoLocaitonPoint.STDistance(LEAD(sptGeoLocaitonPoint, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY iAssetID ORDER BY dtUTCDateTime)) AS Distance
FROM VehicleMonitoringLog
iAssetId = 6024 AND
dtUTCDateTime > N'2016-01-26 04:44:00' AND dtUTCDateTime < N'2016-01-26 12:39:45'
Order by dtUTCDateTime
The result should add all the Distances columns for each set.