I have been struggling with this for a little while.
I want to have a set of calendar records. The top level will apply to a large group; the next level will apply to a sub-set and the final level could apply to a single person.
The top level might have a record that looks like this:
ID : LinkID : Date : Venue : Training : Group
1 : NULL : 26/2/16 : Running Track : 4 x 800m : AC Seniors
The next level might have a record that looks like this:
ID : LinkID : Date : Venue : Training : Group
2 : 1 : : : 5 x 1000m : AC Elite Men
The bottom level could look like this:
ID : LinkID : Date : Venue : Training : Group
3 : 2 : : Local park : 5 x 1000m : Jon Runner
The idea is that the coach can set up a general training programme (top level) that is then edited for a sub group (middle level) and then individualised.
Jon Runner would see this record:
ID : LinkID : Date : Venue : Training : Group
3 : 2 : 26/2/16 : Local park : 5 x 1000m : Jon Runner
If any of the higher level information changes, then there is a need to flag further down the tree.
I have a good idea how to do this in Object Oriented Classes, but struggle to see how to implement it so that it can be stored in a database.
Any ideas or tips would be great.