It would be much more efficient to store your values in a normalized schema. That said, you can also make it work with your current setup.
Assuming this table definition:
CREATE TABLE tbl (tbl_id int, usr jsonb);
"user" is a reserved word and would require double quoting to be used as column name. Don't do that. I use usr
The query is not as trivial as the (now deleted) comments made it seem:
SELECT t.tbl_id, obj.val->>'count' AS count
FROM tbl t
JOIN LATERAL jsonb_array_elements(t.usr) obj(val) ON obj.val->>'_id' = '1'
WHERE t.usr @> '[{"_id":"1"}]';
There are 3 basic steps:
1. Identify qualifying rows cheaply
WHERE t.usr @> '[{"_id":"1"}]'
identifies rows with matching object in the JSON array. The expression can use a generic GIN index on the jsonb
column, or one with the more specialized operator class jsonb_path_ops
CREATE INDEX tbl_usr_gin_idx ON tbl USING gin (usr jsonb_path_ops);
The added WHERE
clause is logically redundant, but it is required to use the index. The expression in the join clause enforces the same condition but only after unnesting the array in every row qualifying so far. With index support, Postgres only processes rows that contain a qualifying object to begin with. Does not matter much with small tables, makes a huge difference with big tables and only few qualifying rows.
2. Identify matching object(s) in the array
Unnest with jsonb_array_elements()
. (unnest()
is only good for Postgres array types.) Since we are only interested in actually matching objects, filter in the join condition right away.
3. Extract value for nested key 'count'
After qualifying objects have been extracted, simply: obj.val->>'count'