I ran into a problem with our replication server. Essentially, we have 2 databases (database1 and database2). Master server has both. Slave has only database1. There is a
Replicate_Do_DB: database1
set in CHANGE MASTER TO configuration.
Now what happened is - we are using code igniter, and one of the programers created database2 and started inserting info into it. Code igniter sets a default database to database1. Now the result is for every query he produced - I get an error on SHOW SLAVE STATUS\G:
Error 'Table 'database2.tbl40' doesn't exist' on query. Default database: 'database1'. Query: 'INSERT INTO `database2`.`tbl40` (`date`, `day`) VALUES ('2011-04-26', '2011-04-26')'
So essentially, I he fixed the problem afterwards, but the replication doesn't work as there is around 1000 queries that will produce that error for replication server.
My question is - is there some way to clear queries like that from the binlog? Or I need to write a script that will do a
for every query that produces and error ?