Essentially, I want to get intersection between 2 tables based on matching IDs with the option of wildcard '*' to return all IDs:

Select * from A a inner join B b on b.id = a.id or b.id = '*'

Table A is fairly large (10 M rows), and I have setup the id to be index already.

Because of OR, index id is not used, and it does a full scan (Takes 20 secs).

If I don't allow the wildcard:

Select * from A a inner join B b on b.id = a.id

It uses id index and takes only 300 ms


By separating into 2 select with Union helped. Detail here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5901791/is-having-an-or-in-an-inner-join-condition-a-bad-idea

  • can't you split your query in 2 rather than using or? Commented Mar 21, 2016 at 15:29
  • What is the estimated selectivity of the index on b.id with and without or b.id = '*'? It should be able to use the index with the OR, but if there are a lot of rows with b.id = '*', it might opt for the full scan because of a low estimated selectivity.
    – G-Nugget
    Commented Mar 21, 2016 at 17:11

2 Answers 2


A common trick for optimizing OR is to turn it into UNION:

( SELECT * FROM A JOIN B USING(id) WHERE condition_1 )
( SELECT * FROM A JOIN B USING(id) WHERE condition_2 )

(I'm with Jack on being confused on what you really wanted, so I avoided spelling out the details of the conditions.)

Be sure to include index(es) that let the queries start with the conditions.


Reformatting your query slightly we have:

select * from A a 
inner join B b on 
    b.id = a.id     -- condition 1
    b.id = '*'      -- condition 2

Consider how this will match rows from B with rows from A:

  1. If there is a row in B with an id that matches the id in A, include that row along with the row from A.
  2. If there is any row in B with an id that matches '*', include that row along with the row from A.

Condition #2 means that if there are any rows in B with an id of '*', then all of the rows in A must be included, because they all match those rows in B.

This also means that every row in B that has an id of '*' matches every row in A.

Is that really what you want? If so then there is no way to avoid a full scan because every row in A is included.

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